Clothilde Team Carme Torras

Prof. Torras is the Principal Investigador of the Clothilde Project. She is Research Professor at the Spanish Scientific Research Council (CSIC). She received M.Sc. degrees in Mathematics and Computer Science from the Universitat de Barcelona and the University of Massachusetts, respectively, and a Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from the Technical University of Catalonia (UPC). She is EurAI Fellow (2007), member of Academia Europaea (2010), member of the Reial Acadèmia de Ciències i Arts de Barcelona (2013), and IEEE Fellow (2019).

You can see more information abour Prof. Torras in this section of this website.

Prof. Maria Alberich

Prof. Alberich-Carramiñana is associate professor at Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), member of the Barcelona Graduate School in Mathematics (BGSMath) and Faculty at Institut de Robòtica i Informàtica Industrial (CSIC-UPC). She received a Ph.D. in Mathematics in 2000 from Universitat de Barcelona (UB). She received UB’s Doctoral Dissertation Extraordinary Award for her work. She joined UPC in 2001 after obtaining a “Ramón y Cajal” postdoctoral position. She pursues multidisciplinary research both in Mathematics and in Robotics. Her area of expertise is Singularity Theory from the Algebraic Geometry point of view, and Geometric and Topological methods in Robotics. Guillem Alenyà

Dr Alenyà holds a tenured position at Spanish Scientific Research Council (CSIC). He received a PhD degree (Doctor Europeus) from UPC in 2007 with the support of a Marie-Curie scholarship with a work on robot navigation using active contours. He has been visitor at KIT-Karlsruhe (2007) and INRIA-Grenoble (2008). He has participated in more than 15 scientific projects and lead 5 technology-transfer projects involving image understanding, next-best-view, machine learning and execution task planning..

Prof. Jaume Amorós

Prof. Amorós is professor at Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), member of the Mathematics Department and the GEOMVAP consolidated group.

DirectorDr. Juan Andrade-Cetto

Dr Andrade-Cetto received the BSEE from CETYS Univ. in 1993, the MSEE from Purdue Univ. in 1995, and the PhD in Robotics from UPC in 2003 (EURON Georges Giralt Best PhD Award 2005). He is since 2008 full time researcher of CSIC at IRI, and has been PI in 4 National and 6 EU projects. His areas of expertise are in the confluence of mobile robotics and computer vision. He is IRI's Director.

Department HeadDr Pablo Jiménez

Dr Jiménez is associate researcher of  the Spanish Scientific Research Council (CSIC) at IRI.

Dr Francesc Moreno-Noguer

Dr Moreno-Noguer received the MSc degrees in industrial engineering and electronics from the Technical University of Catalonia (UPC) and the Universitat de Barcelona in 2001 and 2002, respectively, and the PhD degree from UPC in 2005. From 2006 to 2008, he was a postdoctoral fellow at the computer vision departments of Columbia University and the Ecole Polytecnique Fédérale de Lausanne. In 2009, he joined the Institut de Robòtica i Informàtica Industrial in Barcelona as an associate researcher of the Spanish Scientific Research Council. His research interests include retrieving rigid and nonrigid shape, motion, and camera pose from single images and video sequences. He received UPC’s Doctoral Dissertation Extraordinary Award for his work. Vicente Ruiz de Angulo

Dr. Ruiz de Angulo is associate researcher of  the Spanish Scientific Research Council (CSIC) at IRI.

Prof. Federico Thomas

Prof. Thomas is Research Professor of  the Spanish Scientific Research Council (CSIC) at IRI.

Dr Júlia Borràs-Sol

Dr. Borràs-Sol studied Mathematics and Computer Science at the UPC and UOC, respectively, and in 2011 she obtained her PhD degree at IRI, on a geometric problem related to the design and singularities of parallel robots. She was a 2 years postdoc at Yale University working on dextrous underactuated robotic hands and 4 years at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology working on contact based analysis of locomotion and design of novel grippers. Since 2018 she joined back IRI under the Clothilde project. Adrià Colomé

Dr. Colomé studied a double degree on Industrial Engineering and Mathematics, and obtained his PhD in robotics from UPC in 2017 (Robotnik best robotics Spanish thesis and finalist for the Georges Giralt best European robotics thesis). His main interests are on robot motion learning using movement primitives and robot compliant control.

Dr Fabio Strazzeri

Dr. Strazzeri studied Mathematics at the University of Cagliari, University of Pisa and Complutense University of Madrid. In 2018 he obtained his PhD degree from University of Southampton (UK), focusing on a novel clustering algorithm, Morse, which integrates Morse theory and metadata information, and applying it to fields as patient stratification and identification of disease sub-phenotypes. His main interest are on computational topology and geometry and the insights provided by them to different real world problems.

Mr. Franco Coltraro

Mr. Coltraro received his BSc degree in Pure Mathematics from Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM) in 2016. In 2017, he received a MSc degree on Applied Mathematics from Technical University of Catalonia (UPC). After a brief experience as a Data Scientist in the private sector, he joined IRI, where he is currently studying his PhD degree. His main interests are the application of topological, geometrical and differential methods to real world problems. Juan Antonio Delgado

Mr. Delgado received BSc degrees in Mathematics and Industrial Technology Engineering from the Technical University of Catalonia (UPC) in 2015, after having spent last semester in Germany, at the RWTH Aachen University. In 2017, he received MSc degree on Industrial Engineering from University of Seville, having completed the last two semesters again in Germany, at the Technical University of Berlin on this occasion. Right afterwards, he joined IRI, where he is currently studying his PhD degree. Sergi Martínez Sánchez

Mr. Martínez received BSc degrees in Mechatronics and Industrial Electronics and Automatics Engineering from the University of Vic (UVIC) in 2019, after having spent last semester in The Netherlands, at the Technical University of Delft. Right afterwards, he joined IRI, where he is currently employed as a research support Engineer.

